Contact Blinds 2go
Please let us know how we can help so we can point you in the right direction...
When can I expect my delivery?
I'd like some help measuring my windows
My order has arrived, but something is wrong
I'd like some advice on installing the products I've received
I'd like to place an order
I'd like some advice on your free samples service
How do I claim a replacement under the SureSize guarantee?
If you added SureSize to your order then claiming your replacement is simple, we'll just need some information from you to get the ball rolling. Click here for full details on how to make your claim.
Didn't see your question above? We have FAQs tailored to each step of your order's journey...
Thinking of buying a product from us? Click here.
Need help with a recent order? Click here.
Track your order? Click here.
Can't find what you're looking for?
Email Us:
For queries big or small, just drop us a quick email at and we'll get back to you as soon as we can with an answer
Online Chat:
Chat live with our advisors 9am - 5:30pm 7 days a week with our online chat in the bottom right hand corner of our website
Call Us:
If you'd rather speak to us over the phone then give us a call on 01 969 7247 , our offices are open 9am - 5:30pm 7 days a week
Write To Us:
If you'd prefer to send us a letter in the post you can find us at: Blinds 2go Limited, 1 Woodborough Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FG